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Mr. Monk Gets a Movie
Mr. Monk Gets a Movie
By: RPLauer - 12/16/2023 5:16 PM
Adrian Monk is back in action for one final(?) case in the form of a streaming exclusive movie. Was it worth the 14 year wait?
Viewed By 3310 People, 459 Bots
Goodbye Evvy: Dealing With Greif
By: RPLauer - 8/23/2022 6:07 PM
Processing grief is beyond difficult. We lost our puppy. You probably should not read this post, especially if you love animals.
Goodbye Evvy: Dealing With Greif
Viewed By 3908 People, 579 Bots
Thoughts on Stranger Things Season Four
Thoughts on Stranger Things Season Four
By: RPLauer - 7/10/2022 12:22 PM
This is just a post on random thoughts I had on Season Four of Stranger Things; spoilers included.
Viewed By 3956 People, 665 Bots
Stranger Things Season 4 - One Specific Fate
By: RPLauer - 7/3/2022 2:14 PM
This is a quick post surrounding my thoughts on one specific character's fate. Spoilers Ahead!
Stranger Things Season 4 - One Specific Fate
Viewed By 5431 People, 712 Bots
What To Do With MOBI Files
What To Do With MOBI Files
By: RPLauer - 9/3/2021 5:36 AM
Have you ever wondered what to do with a MOBI file? Have you ever wished you could get a random file attached to your Kindle device? In this posting I will try and help you!
Viewed By 2703 People, 864 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Layers: A Collection of Short Stories by Zuzanne Belec
By: RPLauer - 8/28/2021 11:21 AM
A collection of short stories in a similar syle to that of Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits.
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Layers: A Collection of Short Stories by Zuzanne Belec
Viewed By 1287 People, 674 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Conspiracy of Cats by B.C. Harris
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Conspiracy of Cats by B.C. Harris
By: RPLauer - 8/26/2021 4:55 AM
Review for B.C. Harris' debut novel, Conspiracy of Cats, a paranormal mystery.
Viewed By 764 People, 700 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Neglected Merge by Eve Koguce
By: RPLauer - 6/14/2021 10:06 AM
A Fantasy Utopian Romance that is a wonderful story, even if you are not a 'romance' reader, as the world itself is center stage.
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Neglected Merge by Eve Koguce
Viewed By 519 People, 564 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Sl*ts and Wh*res by C.E. Hoffman
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Sl*ts and Wh*res by C.E. Hoffman
By: RPLauer - 3/30/2021 3:02 PM
An exploration of Sex, Sexuality and more; Emotion runs strong in this read.
Viewed By 723 People, 703 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Highland Court Chronicles: Almendra's Quest by Farida Mestek
By: RPLauer - 3/24/2021 5:58 AM
Almendra's Quest is a delightful YA Fantasy about the last High Lady of the Upper Kingdom, and her role in saving her people.
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Highland Court Chronicles: Almendra's Quest by Farida Mestek
Viewed By 928 People, 719 Bots
Twitter and the #WritingCommuinity
Twitter and the #WritingCommuinity
By: RPLauer - 3/14/2021 6:41 AM
What I always saw as a vial platform was hiding a wonderful community all along.
Viewed By 471 People, 802 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: The Wing Thief by Samantha Atkins
By: RPLauer - 3/8/2021 6:25 AM
The Wing Thief is a truly magical experience, in a similar vein to Harry Potter (loosely, not plotwise).
R.P. Lauer Reviews: The Wing Thief by Samantha Atkins
Viewed By 387 People, 851 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart
R.P. Lauer Reviews: A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart
By: RPLauer - 3/5/2021 7:22 AM
A Drowned Kingdom is a Fantasy Epic or an Epic Fantasy; either are a fitting description.
Viewed By 1536 People, 597 Bots
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Dawnbreak by Rebecca Mickley
By: RPLauer - 3/3/2021 5:10 PM
Dawnbreak is a tale of transformation with heart, soul and pain.
R.P. Lauer Reviews: Dawnbreak by Rebecca Mickley
Viewed By 297 People, 612 Bots
Broken - Stories From Gaia
Broken - Stories From Gaia
By: RPLauer - 2/20/2021 11:15 AM
Her nation; destroyed. Her friends; dead. Alex must now learn how to survive alone in the wreckage of her former life.
Viewed By 406 People, 820 Bots

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